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Drug and Alcohol Treatment in a Residential Program for Teenagers, Adolescents, and Young Adults
Inpatient drug rehabs for teens usually involve a short-term program consisting of a 28-30 day stay. A residential rehabilitation center is an in-house treatment program that lasts longer than 30 days and will sometimes last up to a year in treatment. The usual stay at a long-term residential treatment center for addiction is anywhere from 60 to 90 days in an inpatient drug rehabilitation center.
Private-style, long-term treatment programs for youth and kids will have a higher rate of recovery, compared to inpatient 30-day treatment centers, or outpatient programs. Private drug rehabs for adolescents are the leading residential facilities in the United States for kids and adolescents struggling with substance abuse and addiction and other mental illness. While short-term rehabs and outpatient programs can help people overcome their addictions, the longer, 90 drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers will give the patient a better foundation to start the next chapter of their life without the need for self-medicating.
Call now for help in locating an inpatient treatment center for your son or daughter today. We are here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Private programs help teenagers relearn how to live in the real world without the need to use substances to have fun. These private rehabs for teenagers are exceptional in therapies and also have private bedrooms, art classes, group programs, wilderness therapy programs, adventure-based therapy, a proven curriculum, and continuous individual and group addiction counseling which also helps them work on behavioral problems. As a result, teens enrolled in the program will learn to replace their old ways of thinking and behaving with a new sense of drive and positivity.
Inpatient rehab programs for kids provide a protective, structured, and nurturing environment which helps the addicted person learn to practical life skills, and develop their character, and healthy relationships. Along with school work and classes to help them stay on top of their academics, private inpatient rehab is an exceptional place to go. Addiction therapy in an inpatient rehab center aims to target underlying reasons for the re-occurrence of the behaviors and addictions.
Some drug rehab centers for teens will accept insurance or Medicaid. Locating a private treatment program that will accept your insurance can be difficult. Our counselors are here to work with your insurance company to ensure that their clients get the best possible care available to them. Give us a call and we will be able to take some of the pressures of seeking the right inpatient long or short-term inpatient treatment program for addiction. Navigating the insurance prequalification process for drug and alcohol treatment is best done by a third party to ensure that you access all the benefits available to you through your insurance plan.
For more information on inpatient drug rehabs for kids and young adults near you, call us today. 24/7 service. 1-800-513-5423
If you need help for an adult in your life Addiction No More is a locator service for treatment programs for adults.